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El teu negoci es molt important

També per nosaltres.

AGAR neix el 2012, fruit d'una visió comuna de dos apassionats del món de l'alimentació

Treballem dur dia a dia per aportar solucions en diferents camps; com l'alimentació, la dietètica i nutrició, la seguretat alimentaria, la cuina i la restauració.

Us oferim Assessorament , Formació i Gestió per tal que pugueu millorar i optimitzar el vostre negoci.




Sílvia ... She is a dynamic and decisive cook. From a very young age he has extensive experience in the management of kitchens and human equipment. Lover of local cuisine without sophistication, lover of the product without makeup, authentic and natural as herself. Tireless, kind and sincere.


Xavier ... He is a professional in the world of food, restaurant management, cost control and nutrition. An expert in different fields linked by the same thread. A very close person who knows how to convey the enthusiasm and enthusiasm to do things well. Hardworking, honest, didactic and dedicated.


La Carmeta .... She is a cook and an artist. With a long journey within the kitchens she is creative and very close.

In recent years she has developed her most artistic part by becoming a great painter.

His are the drawings of our team.


Paula ... She is a dietitian and continues to train in the higher degree of nutrition to be able to contribute much more.

She is the youngest of the team, very sincere, a friend of her friends and extremely responsible.


Xavi ... He is an exceptional chef. Trained with the greats of our country. Restless and alive, he never stops learning and advancing at great speed in the world of management.

Great person inside and out.


Miquel ... He is a strategic consultant and trainer with many years of experience and our great support in technology.

Very active, awake and a good coach for us.


Eva ... She is an agri-food engineer and collaborator of our team, developing food safety issues.

Methodical, orderly and perfectionist.

The point of common sense, calm and prudence that the team needs.

Compromesos amb cada projecte

i amb tot el demés

Aquest és el nostre Decàleg de Sostenibilitat:

  1. Promovem la cuina de proximitat i Km.0

  2. Impulsem l'alimentació saludable i conscient en tots els àmbits de la nostra activitat.

  3. Implantem eines per evitar el malbaratament alimentari

  4. Dissenyem els nostres menús amb verdura, fruites i peix de temporada

  5. Busquem estratègies per reduir la despesa energètica.

  6. En esdeveniment, substituïm els materials d'un sol ús per reutilitzables o biodegradables.

  7. Fomentem la reducció de plàstics i el reciclatge de residus en cada projecte.

  8. Part de l'equip utilitza vehicles híbrids i optimitzem els desplaçaments, amb reunions en línia sempre que sigui possible.

  9. Busquem la millor constant mitjançant la innovació i formació del nostre equip.

  10. Som un equip.

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